Monday, April 4, 2011

Lapbooks for Different Ages and Subjects

The Magic School Bus
Cover of The Magic School Bus
Once I started  lap booking, I became hooked.  There are many wonderful sites out there to help you with ideas, pre-printed books, and units to cover.

The Korean Cinderella
Comparing and Contrasting Cinderella Stories
     One of my favorite resource to help me with lap booking is:  The Ultimate Lap Book Handbook by Tammy Duby and Cyndy Regeling.  I am a huge believer in how the brain learns and the various ways that our students need material presented in order to solidify what they are learning.  With various types of learners at home, lap booking really worked for everyone!  This resource gives you 10 top reasons to lap book...and they all work for me!
Felicity Learns A Lesson
Inside lap book

For these lap books, we tied in a Learning Strategy: "Questioning," in order to address higher level thinking skills.  We love using Bloom's Taxonomy.  My girls selected various activities to address all levels of the hierarchy.
     Although we chose to incorporate Bloom's into our study, the main goal behind creating a lap book is for your own student to really feel an ownership over the information that they are are learning!

The Lightning Thief
Comparing it to the movie!